Debt Settlement Services

If you are having trouble paying your bills and are getting notices from creditors, you are probably praying for relief. The stress of knowing your accounts are in the hands of debt collectors can take a toll on anyone.

Many people face a financial crisis at some point in their life. From personal and family health issues to job loss or overspending your budget — you are not alone. We know it is overwhelming, and you need to know there is help.

What is debt settlement?

Debt settlements are negotiated agreements between a lender and the borrower to settle an unsecured debt for less than what is owed. Secured debt is not eligible for debt consolidation or the debt settlement program. Debt settlement services is an alternative to ignoring the debt or filing for bankruptcy.

How Debt Settlement Works

Before deciding that debt settlement is the right choice for you, you should speak to a financial expert. Roundleaf Inc., a debt settlement provider, can help you determine the best steps to help you regain your financial freedom by helping you negotiate a settlement to reduce your overall amount due.

Collection agencies are paid to recoup their client’s money. They do not have your best interest at heart. This is where we step in. We help mediate the process to protect your best interest and rebuild your capital – long-term.

Benefits of Debt Settlement

With any debt relief program, the ultimate goal is to regain your financial freedom to enable you to make better financial decisions. To do that, reduction of debt is critical. The benefits of debt settlement to reduce or eliminate debt include:

Debt Settlement Services

  • Often as much as 65% of debt is reduced or forgiven. This number is the goal and could be higher or lower, depending on the creditor and type of debt.
  • Debt settlement could prevent future lawsuits and court judgments.
  • Collection calls stop.
  • Minimizes the need to file bankruptcy.
  • Can improve credit score.
  • Debt settlement lowers your monthly payment and frees up cash flow to plan for future financial goals.

Debt management services can help you stay debt free for the long haul.

Types of Debts Eligible for Settlement

For the most part, credit card debt and personal loans tend to be the best candidates for debt settlement because settlements have a better probability of recouping their money. 

However, it is harder to negotiate agreements with medical debt or government loans, such as student debt. It is not impossible, but student loans comes with three stipulations that the average person may not realize:

You typically pay 90% of the debt for settlements.

You have to check constantly for any government forgiveness programs.

If you are behind, you are required to complete a trial period before they reinstate you.

Since banks usually issue private student loans, they have a better chance of settling a debt for less than what is owed.

You can settle or resolve these past due debts

For the most part, credit card debt and medical bills tend to be the best candidates for debt settlement because settlements have a better probability of recouping their money. However, it is harder to negotiate agreements with government loans, such as student debt. It is not impossible, but comes with three stipulations that the average person may not realize:

Credit Card

Credit Card

Auto Repossession

Personal Loans

Utility Bills

Mortgage Repossession Balances

Private Student Loans

Apartment Leases

Cell Phone Bills

Find out if debt settlement is the right choice for you.



Considering Debt Settlement?

You do not have to accept being financially insecure or stressed, and you do not have to carry the debt burden alone.

Roundleaf Inc. can help! Our goal is to help you through your financial and economic challenges and lead you to your financial goals.

If you are ready to reset your debt, give us a call to start the process.

How our process works

We will start with a discovery consultation either by phone, video chat, or in-person at one of our four convenient locations.

During our discovery, we will listen to not only your situation but will evaluate and determine what debt relief program is right for you. We evaluate your income, expenses, and credit report. We then strategize with YOU to formulate a realistic budget and help you optimize your finances to reach your goals.

We offer two debt settlement plans and will help you determine which program is best for you based on your ability to pay off the debt settlement.

Management Plan

Flexible payment plan based on your ability to pay off the debt settlement

Preferred Plan

Lump sum payment of the debt settlement

If you are suffocating under the burden of debt, this could be the step that gives you the relief to breathe.

Schedule a FREE consultation today.
No risk, no strings.

We are dedicated to helping you pay off your debt and stay financially free for good. In addition to debt settlement, we offer debt management and a variety of free credit counseling tools and debt relief resources to make sure you are successful. We help you take control and manage your finances effectively.

Who qualifies for debt settlement

Typically, anyone that has accumulated debt they cannot afford to pay their monthly payments will qualify for the debt settlement program.

What if the debt collector or creditor does not settle?

While a creditor is not obligated to settle, debt settlement is a way they can recover more of their money in one lump sum, than hire costly debt collection services or hiring a lawyer.

Can you settle for less than you owe?

In most situations, yes. With our debt negotiation skills and our network of resources, the odds are in your favor.

We help you rebuild

Our debt settlement program can improve your credit score by resetting your total debt. While we are always looking for ways to improve your financial portfolio, we also provide you with education and guidance on how you can have a clear path towards your needs by finding interest rate saving opportunities. We help you change your spending habits with a budgeting approach that is developed for your lifestyle.

Don’t try to fight your debt collectors alone; we can help you resolve your past overdue balances and your current financial situation with the help of the debt settlement program.

Contact Roundleaf to
get started towards your financial freedom!